
The dawn of happiness theory-The elite happiness theory pioneered by Aristotle
アリストテレスが『ニコマコス倫理学』において幸福を主要なテーマとして論じたことで、幸福は倫理学上の中核的領域になりました。倫理学とは人として善き行いの根拠を研究する学問であり、論理学や認識論、美学・芸術学と並んで哲学の中核をなしています。今日でも倫理学の領域において幸福は主要なテーマとして盛んに論じられています。(松島 紀三男 イーハピネス株式会社 代表取締役)
The dawn of happiness theory-The elite happiness theory pioneered by Aristotle
I think that Aristotle is the founder of “the theory of happiness”. It is clear from the fact that many of the many books that discuss happiness start from talking about Aristotle’s theory of happiness (Eudaimonia).
Aristotle systematically discusses happiness in his Nicomachean Ethics. “What is the best of all the good we can achieve? People’s answers are in agreement. It is nothing but happiness (Eudaimonia).” [I] is too famous. He said that “happiness is the ultimate and self-sufficient” and “the purpose of everything” [ii].
On the other hand, he said, “But once it comes to what that’happiness’is, there is disagreement among people.” It also suggests the difficulty of doing that.
Aristotle classified there are three types of happy life. [iii]
The first is an enjoyable life that makes “pleasure” (Hedone) good and happy.
… The most vulgar people, the happiness of “livestock” and “slave” humans
The second is a “political” life that makes “honor” good and happy.
… The lives of people who are doing practical activities with thought and discipline
The third is an “observative” life that makes the quest for truth through “virtue” and “excellence” (arete) good and happy.
… Happiness comparable to the gods as an outstanding soul activity, with nobility and pride, overcoming any hardship
Aristotle cites “financial life” as a kind of life in addition to the above three, but it is interesting to dismiss wealth as a means, not a purpose, and not a happy life. is not it. I think the same goes for an economy with only “money”, where modern capital has become a self-purpose, and such corporate management does not produce happiness.
Aristotle despises the enjoyable life of the first animal “pleasure” as the happiness of the most vulgar animals and slaves, but tolerates such happiness. I feel the depth of Aristotle’s bosom in these places.
Political life with the second “honor” as good and happiness is a higher-class “human” life than the animal life seeking the first animal “pleasure”, but honor gives it. It depends on others who give it to me, and it is not “good” peculiar to the person, so it is said to be superficial. I think this is very close to the modern concept of self-esteem.
The highest happiness is a “visual” life that seeks the truth through the third “virtue” and “excellence”, which is achieved by “gifts of the gods to humans” or “excellence” through learning and training. It is said to be a divine state of affairs. It is difficult to understand the word “theory”, but it is the etymology of the English word “theory”, which is considered to be the area of ”pure kansho (theoria)” (θεωρία = theōria), which transcends human acts. Takao Yamada has a life of “truth quest”. If you think about it, it’s a philosopher’s life, and Aristotle would have felt “I’m the happiest.”
The life of a philosopher who seeks the truth after dividing happiness into three stages: animal happiness, human happiness, and happiness in the realm of God is the highest happiness. Aristotle-sensei has a lot of capacity, but I think it’s a bit of a “view from above” view of happiness.
Aristotle’s “happiness theory”, also known as “eudaemonism”, is still influential today and can be said to be a pioneer of “happiness theory” to the present day, but it has its limits.
The limit of Aristotle’s “happiness theory” is that it is an elitist theory of happiness. Elitism here has two meanings.
One is that, as mentioned earlier, happiness is ranked from low to high, and high happiness, that is, “virtue” and “excellence,” is the ideal happiness that the wise man should aim for.
The second is that it was actually a “happiness theory” aimed at such social elites. The ancient Greek society in which Aristotle lived is a slavery society. In the case of Athens, there are various theories, but it is estimated that there were two or three slaves to one free citizen like Aristotle.
In other words, the majority of the members were content with slavery, and Aristotle’s “happiness theory” of free citizens, a small part of the privileged class, was written by the elite to the elite. It can be said that it is a theory of happiness.
Even though I was placed in the status of a slave, I think that I am still a human being, but “The art of controlling slaves is different from the art of controlling free people. It is the knowledge to use slaves. It’s not a big deal, “[iv], and it has no body or lid.
When assessing historical figures, I think we should refrain from assessing them with modern values, and while we cannot equate ancient slaves with modern workers with guaranteed human rights, “employees” From the standpoint of this book on the theme of “happiness,” I think this is the greatest limit.
It is undeniable that Aristotle’s “happiness theory” is intellectually sophisticated, and even if it has much in common with the happiness felt by many people, it is focused on intellectual spirituality. There is no such thing. Although there are common feelings such as love for the family, the joy, suffering, and sadness of those who are controlled and controlled and sweat on their foreheads are not shared as a real feeling.
This tradition of “happiness theory” by the intellectual elite continues to the present day, and the authors of the so-called “three major happiness theories”, Alain, Hilti, and Russell, can be said to be intellectual elites. ..
For example, in a passage entitled “Work” in Bertrand Russell’s theory of happiness, there is a statement that “work is, therefore, first and foremost desirable as a preventive measure against boredom.” I think the limits of happiness theory are typically manifested. Russell is by no means a type of academic scholar who stays in his study, but has an extremely wide range of activities such as education, peace movements, and efforts to abolish nuclear weapons. I think he is a rare scholar and social activist who shared the pain of heart with the vulnerable and oppressed. However, the actual feeling of work is still limited by the intellectual elite who can afford it economically, and there is a difference from the actual feeling of work and life of many workers.
As mentioned above, I have described the outline of Aristotle’s theory of happiness and its historical background, but I think it is epoch-making that happiness (Eudaimonia) is positioned as the summum bonum that human beings should seek.
Despite the criticism of elitism, it does not deny the low-dimensional happiness of “pleasure.” Rather, we regard happiness as a hierarchical structure and recognize various ways of doing things. I think this has something to do with modern “happiness theory” and Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.
As Aristotle is called “the ancestor of all scholarship,” his research and achievements are very extensive, from ethics that discusses happiness to logic, natural science, art, education theory, law, politics, and economics. It is no exaggeration to say that it covers all possible fields up to.
Happiness has become a core ethical realm as Aristotle discussed happiness as a major theme in his Nicomachean Ethics. Ethics is the study of the grounds for good deeds as a person, and is at the core of philosophy along with logic, epistemology, and aesthetics / arts. Even today, happiness is still actively discussed as a major theme in the field of ethics.
[i] アリストテレス 『ニコマコス倫理学(上)』高田三郎訳 岩波文庫 p20
[ii] 同P31
[iii] 同P22
[iv] アリストテレス 『政治学』